Friday, November 18, 2011

Four Words from a Transition

I am writing this as a celebration and proclamation of what God has done in my family's life over the last six months.  During an early morning quiet time last June, the Holy Spirit clearly laid four words on my heart.  In all honesty, Im normally quite skeptical of "words from the Lord" for fear of acting on something that is not from Him. But this time the words were unquestionably clear and they fit perfectly with where I was in the study of the Word.  That morning I wrote in my journal these words: wisdom, discernment, favor, and patience.  Frankly, I had no idea what God was saying to me; but I shared the words with my wife and we began to pray about each one.  We prayed for wisdom, that God would give us clarity of mind and the ability to see the plan He had in store for us.  We prayed for discernment, specifically that God would give direction as things became clearer. We prayed for favor, but this was a tricky one for me personally. I was (and still am) leery of favor when it refers to an unbiblical bartering system with God. It eventually became clear that the Holy Spirit was leading in a very different direction.  Finally, we prayed for patience the easiest to immediately understand, but by far the most difficult to put into practice.  After all, I was in a hurry to find out what God was going to do.

Six months later, our situation has become so much clearer.  First, I have with great sadness stepped down as student pastor at Heartland Community Church.  Rachel and I loved our time there, learned so much, and will miss the students, leaders, and parents incredibly!  And second, after much prayer, fasting, and guidance from wise counsel, I have accepted a position with Mission of Hope as Church Advancement Coordinator and will be moving to Fort Myers, Florida.  Rachel and I truly believe this is God's call on our lives, even though it will involve the difficult process of uprooting our little family from OKC.  What the job will entail and the opportunities it will provide is an absolute fit with what the Lord has laid on my heart.  We are excited about what God is going to do in our lives personally; but more importantly about how He can be glorified as we join the MOH team and work to advance the Gospel in the country of Haiti.  In no way do I feel that my journey with God and his leading of my family and me is over.  We trust that this is only the beginning.  Even so, with the benefit of hindsight I can now see what the "four words" have meant.  

Wisdom: In the beginning it was tough. I was praying for wisdom in a vague sort of way without a clear understanding of what that meant.  Over the last six months it has become very clear that God has granted me wisdom in two specific ways. First, wisdom has come in the form of a more intense love for the Word. The way I study my Bible has become so much more personal and applicable for all that I walk through on a daily basis. I have a new appreciation for the Gospel thread throughout the entirety of scripture and how it affects my life. Second, I learned in a new way about the wisdom that our Lord provides through godly friends and confidants.  There have been two men in particular (you know who you are) who have come alongside me; and I could not have gotten through the last six months without their friendship and wise counsel. I am so thankful for that, for though our relationships will undoubtedly change as I make this physical move, I now see the importance of surrounding myself with godly men and doing life with them!

Discernment: I have always felt that discernment was one of my spiritual gifts. But with a decision of this magnitude -- one that would affect my family and so many loved ones in such a significant way -- doubts sometimes creep in.  Thankfully as we prayed individually and together God gave Rach and me clarity to know His will, and what our next step should be.  But discernments value is only determined by the obedience that accompanies it, and our gracious Lord has also given us the strength to follow through on that clarity.

Favor:  This was by far the most difficult idea for me to get my head around.  It's possible that my view of "favor" has been skewed by too much late night Christian TV.  For many Christians the word seems to imply that "if I give to the Lord, He will in turn provide me with a Mercedes Benz."  Intellectually and biblically I know this not to be the true meaning of favor, but it was a mental obstacle I had to overcome.  Only in the last few weeks have Rachel and I truly begun to understand what we had been praying for those six long months.  As we began to sit down with those closest to us, and to share with them what God was doing and where that would physically lead us, I realized that we had been praying for favor in their hearts.  God is so amazing that He would lead us to begin praying for situations He knew were coming, that we were completely unaware of.  Of course, there have been many tears and more will come, but God has obviously been working and preparing the hearts of our loved ones. Without exception, they have been able to see our diligence in being obedient to our calling, and have been supportive of that endeavor.  

Patience:  In his letter to the Romans (Romans 2:7-8), Paul shows us how patience is tied to God centeredness. Of course, that means that my impatience is tied to my self-centeredness.  And because of my depravity, if things would happen on my timetable, I would be unable to avoid taking more credit than I deserve.  Having patience, and the ability to wait on the Lord, glorifies Him and keeps Him at the center in all that we do.  At the start, "patience" was the word I thought I understood the best. But as God opened my eyes to see all that comes with patience, it has become so clear that I had no clue what my lack of patience was really saying.  I was actually telling God, "I want to follow your will, but I will set the schedule and tell you how it will go down."  God has humbled me, and this word is the one more than the others that I will continue to seek.  Instead of impatience, I want to progressively love and trust Him more, and by His grace to put away the ungodly grousing that comes so naturally.

And so God has used the last six months to equip me physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I can think of no better way to close than with the words of the great hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness.

            Great is Thy faithfulness!
            Great is Thy faithfulness!
            Morning by morning new mercies I see.
            All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
            Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, Unto me!


  1. You are a great man of God and to be able to glorify Him by your obedience is what being a Christ follower is all about! Glory to God! You are going to be missed though....

  2. Good stuff Drew! We will miss you and wish you and your family the best! Dub
